The Urban League of Portland is headed to Pendleton for the Pendleton Round-Up festivities! While in Pendleton for the rodeo, we will be participating in the Westward Ho! Parade Friday, September 16th at 10 am as well as other festivities throughout the weekend! We will also be hosting our 4th Urban League for All of Us Community Conversation Friday, September 16th at 12 pm – 2 pm at the Vert Auditorium. We invite you to join us in Pendleton to connect with the community, eat soul food, and honor local community champions who are doing dynamic work to advance our values, which move the movement forward. Our event will be in person at the Vert Auditorium, space will be limited so please RSVP as soon as you can!
The background picture on the flyer is the legendary Black Cowboy Jesse Stahl riding Grave Digger at the Pendleton Round-Up in 1916. "Jesse Stahl, a professional cowboy widely considered to have set the standard for bronco-riding, was already famous by the time he competed in the Round-Up in 1912. His performance in the Salinas Rodeo in California that year as well as his invention of “hoolihanding,” a dangerous maneuver that involved jumping from a horse to a bull before wrestling it to the ground, made him an important attraction at the Round-Up in the four years he competed, from 1912 through 1916." Source: Black Cowboys in Oregon - Oregon Encyclopedia. #Let'ErBuck is the famous saying for the Pendleton Round-Up!