Oregon Smoke Information updates an interactive map (text in English and Spanish) with the locations of current fires and the latest information about air quality advisories. They also offer a free OregonAIR app for iPhone and Android.
Multnomah County’s smoke and wildfire guide
Some may be experiencing power outages from safety shutoffs or weather conditions. A map of Portland General Electric’s current power outages can be found here and Pacific Power’s outage map is here. Information about safety power shutoffs can be found here.
Many roads may be closed because of the fires. If possible, remain close to home. If you must travel, be cautious and please check Oregon Department of Transportation’s TripCheck for the latest conditions – which can change rapidly – before you go.
As firefighters continue working to control these wildfires amid high winds, there is still a significant risk for more fires to start. We must all be vigilant and avoid doing anything that could create sparks.
Be sure to closely monitor wildfire evacuation orders for your area and listen to local officials. A guide to understanding the evacuation levels can be found here.
Tips for how to prepare for an evacuation can be found here. The Red Cross is offering temporary evacuation and shelter locations for those who need to leave their homes.
Wildfire smoke can be dangerous, especially for children, people who are over 65, and those with preexisting conditions. The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality noted that not all masks provide equal protection from smoke. Tips on how to stay healthy can be found here.
1. Learn about the air. Listen, watch and look up information
2. Avoid smoky air and keep indoor air clean. Close doors and windows, set AC to recirculate, use an air cleaner with a HEPA filter, and/or go to a place with AC if it’s hot and smoky*.
3. Do not add to indoor air pollution. Do not use anything that burns, such as candles, incense, fireplaces, cigarettes or gas stoves. Avoid frying or broiling when cooking. Do not vacuum.
4. Do not rely on masks or bandanas for protection. Not all masks are effective and can provide a false sense of protection from smoke. An “N95” respirator, properly worn, can offer some protection but may be in short supply. Masks and face coverings help reduce transmission of COVID-19, but do not protect against smoke.
5. Maintain healthy behaviors. Drink lots of water; Eat balanced meals; Exercise indoors; Don’t smoke; Listen to your body and contact a healthcare provider if you are experiencing symptoms of smoke irritation.
6. If you have central air or a forced-air furnace, replace the filter with MERV 8 or better (different stores, like Home Depot, use a different rating system: just buy the highest number you can use in your system). You can run the fan on your furnace without the heat to clean and circulate the air in your house. You can watch a video on our website about how to do this.
7. You can create your own air purifier with a box fan and a furnace filter. A video how-to is available on our County website.
- The deadline to update voter registration is on October 13th and those displaced by the wildfires have until this date to decide where they want their ballot sent.
- If you update your voter information, and then end up in a different county... You can request a provisional ballot at a county elections office and vote in a different county than you are registered in.
- Voters can also pick up their ballot at their county's election office
- Clackamas County Office
- Marion County Office
- Multnomah County Office
- Washington County Office
- People without homes must provide a residence address, but it can be any physical location. EXAMPLE: Shelters, parks, motor homes, or other identifiable locations.
- Homeless Voters and those who reside where mail service is unavailable can use the address of their County Clerk Office
USPS Voting Information here
There are temporary shelters being opened around town. Here are some tentative locations looking to be opened around end of September to mid-October:
211 Is opening emergency shelters as well as some churches.
Info on the Oregon Convention Center Emergency Shelter here
All the other Red Cross shelters can be found here
Frequently Asked Questions About Wildfire Smoke and Public Health here
Pets and animals are also vulnerable to wildfires. Tips for how to keep them safe can be found here.
Information on Oregon Laws and Rules regarding Wildfires, Fire Season Funding, and The Fire Protection Program here
Congressman Blumenauer's Oregon Wildfire Resources here
Oregon Smoke Blog here
CDC Wildfire and COVID-19 FAQS here
Information for Educators and Parents here
Information for Healthcare Patients here
Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Resources for Employers and Employees here
For more information on how to sign up for emergency alerts from your respective counties, please see the information below or visit: https://www.oregonfeb.us/emergency-regional-resource-guide
Baker - https://public.alertsense.com/signup/?regionid=1357
Benton - https://www.co.benton.or.us/preparedness/page/emergency-alert
Clackamas - https://www.clackamas.us/dm/publicalerts
Clatsop - https://www.co.clatsop.or.us/em/page/clatsopalerts
Columbia - https://www.columbiacountyor.gov/departments/EmergencyManagement
Coos - https://member.everbridge.net/892807736724057/login
Crook - http://www.alertcrookcounty.org/
Curry - https://member.everbridge.net/892807736723773/login
Deschutes - https://www.deschutes.org/911/page/sign-deschutes-emergency-alerts
Douglas - http://www.dcso.com/alerts/
Gilliam - https://member.everbridge.net/892807736724035/login
Grant - https://grantcountyoregon.net/198/Alertsense
Harney - http://www.flashalertbend.net/?alert=1
Hood River - https://member.everbridge.net/892807736721762/login
Jackson - https://member.everbridge.net/1332612387832182/login
Jefferson - https://member.everbridge.net/892807736724035/login
Josephine - https://member.everbridge.net/1332612387832182/login
Klamath - https://www.klamathcounty.org/AlertCenter.aspx
Lake - https://member.everbridge.net/892807736726383/login
Lane - https://lanecounty.org/government/county_departments/lane_county_emergency_management/emergency_alerts
Lincoln - https://www.co.lincoln.or.us/emergencymanagement/page/lincoln-alerts-emergency-notifications-and-community-information
Linn - https://www.linnsheriff.org/linn-county-emergency-information-systems/
Malheur - https://public.alertsense.com/SignUp/?regionid=1021
Marion - https://www.metcom911.com/citizen-alert-
Morrow - https://www.co.morrow.or.us/sheriff/page/emergency-notifications
Multnomah - https://multco.us/em/do-you-want-receive-emergency-notifications
Polk - https://www.co.polk.or.us/sheriff/civicready
Sherman - https://member.everbridge.net/892807736724035/login
Tillamook - https://www.co.tillamook.or.us/gov/EMGMGNT/#A
Umatilla - https://public.alertsense.com/SignUp/?regionid=1268
Union - https://union-county.org/union-county-emergency-notification-system/
Wasco - https://member.everbridge.net/453003085612392/login
Washington - http://www.wccca.com/PublicAlerts/
Wheeler - https://member.everbridge.net/892807736724035/login
Yamhill - https://member.everbridge.net/892807736727638/login