At the Urban League we hope to provide resources to our community who are having to make adjustments in their daily lives due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We know that this is a time of uncertainty however we are doing our best to keep the members of our community connected, yet still practice social distancing.
American Red Cross has launched a Virtual Family Assistance Center to support families struggling with loss and grief due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. The support hub with special virtual programs, information, referrals and services to support families in need can be accessed here.
Stimulus FAQs by New York Times NY Times What’s in the Covid-19 Stimulus Pkg
Find full text papers by Dr. David R. Williams in the Journal of the American Medical Association Network (JAMA) about COVID-19 and racism, health disparities, and health equity.
LAist article: “In LA County, Pacific Islanders Are Dying From Coronavirus At A Rate 12 Times Higher Than Whites. These Leaders Are Fighting Back.”
COVID-19 spreading indiscriminately without regard to skin color. Yet many black and brown Americans are dying at a disproportionately high rates. Are we finally going to do something about structural racism? Read this article.
The Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act Friday’s new law infuses $370 billion into the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL), and emergency Economic Injury Disaster Loans grants.
Policy Link "Working toward advancing an inter-sectional equity policy agenda for federal, state, and local leaders driven by Principles for a Common-Sense, Street- Smart Recovery, and bringing a sharp focus on the racial implications of the crises through a weekly commentary and media analysis project." Click here for more information.
Racial Equity & Social Justice Resources- COVID-19 Racial Equity & Social Justice list includes information that we hope will help communities and activists as they work to understand and respond to the moment and for the long haul. Link
Face coverings
Recommendations regarding the use of cloth face coverings, especially in areas of significant community-based transmission. Guidance in Spanish. Non-medical face coverings (such as homemade coverings) do not replace Stay Home requirements or the need for hand washing, not touching your face, etc.
CDC instructions for face coverings in other languages
How to make your own face covering. Click here for video instructions.
- Businesses: Guidance for businesses about whether to stay open or closed
- Guidance Outlines: exemptions for people experiencing homelessness and social service providers
- Portland Police Bureau statement
- Multnomah County Public Safety Partners responding to COVID-19
- Governor Kate Brown's press release to REOPEN Oregon's businesses and State Recreational Areas
- Portland City Council Approves COVID-19 Response Values Framework
- Multnomah County District Attorney has a new social media campaign called “We Need to Know” about reporting hate crimes during the COVID-19 pandemic. The campaign includes social media graphics translated into multiple languages
Oregon has begun lifting restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic as part of its three-phase “Reopening Oregon(link is external)” plan. Multnomah County entered Phase 1 reopening June 19, and will remain there for at least three weeks, along with neighboring Washington and Clackamas counties.
Governor Kate Brown has directed approximately 1 million KN95 masks and 5,000 gallons of hand sanitizer to be distributed to farmworkers and agricultural producers. This critical PPE is available at no cost to the agricultural community to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Limited supplies will be provided at each site until supplies are fully distributed.
Multnomah County reopening status report
Multnomah County has a Face Coverings page that was recently updated with information about KN95 masks.
Multnomah County Community and Faith-Based Organization Liaison Team will be offering a webinar to help faith communities re-open safely as well as provide information about contact tracing. Faith leaders can submit questions they would like answered at the webinar through this online form. Please visit Multnomah County’s Faith Based and Community Groups COVID-19 Guidance page for additional resources and information.
The CDC has also published Interim Guidance for Communities of Faith to help faith communities “scale up.”
Multnomah County hosts a regional data dashboard that shows COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths broken down by age, gender, race and ethnicity. The dashboard also details data on testing, housing status, underlying health conditions and symptoms.
Portland International Airport has new rules, including a requirement for face coverings. See the press release.
View the full list of what is open and closed. Read more about their FREE summer Lunch & Play Program - offering kids meals and recreational activities.
Portland Parks and Recreation has announced that due to COVID-19, it will not host summer camps at its community center and all pools will be closed this summer. Visit PP&R’s website for updated information on facility and program status.
Has the most current data for Clackamas, Multnomah, Washington, and Yamhill Counties. You can access visual graphics data about race and ethnicity, age, comorbidity.
The new online Veteran Resource Navigator is available on ODVA’s website. Veterans can also access additional assistance, by calling an ODVA Veteran Resource Navigator at 800-692-9666.
The Economic Recovery Task Force Work Group on Reducing Commercial Evictions is focused on technical assistance for landlords and tenants and identifying effective actions at the state and federal level. We encourage both landlords and tenants to reach out to us to identify needs as we work to develop more assistance. The Work Group established a set of FAQs which are now available in additional languages: Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Russian.
Listening sessions: An outgrowth of the Economic Recovery Task Force work is the organization of Listening Sessions to inform recommendations for policy change, business tools and community support; provide opportunities for business, residents, and community to engage; and create a path toward reopening with a racial equity lens that provides economic benefit while preserving public health and safety. Listening Session feedback will be shared with the Task Force as it recommends policy and program changes at the city level.
Industry-specific sessions will also be coming online, as well as community stabilization forums focused on geography-based businesses, residents and community needs with equity as the foundation. Visit our web page to learn more.
- There are culturally specific sessions for Asian & Pacific Islander Business Owners, Black & African American Business Owners, Russian Speakers, and Spanish Speakers.
- Future Generations Collaborative has a frequently updated online resource guide that centers the Indigenous/Native American/Native Alaskan communities and has relevant resources for the broader community.
- Food Resources for Latinx Community: as a response to COVID-19, Familias en Acción is sharing food resources available for the Latinx Community. They are hosting webinars in the coming weeks, to learn together how to access food during this pandemic. These webinars will be in Spanish. For more information and to register, please contact Alejandra Gurrola at alejandra@familiasenaccion.
org. - Rising Up For Human Dignity Film and Discussion Series: If you missed last week’s discussion on I Am Rohingya, you can see the recording here and find more information and resources on our website. You may also watch the film for free by using the promo code RISINGUP on Vimeo On Demand through the month of May. SEMA (which means "speak out" in Swahili) is a film about survival made by survivors. It follow the lives of two women from different environments whose lives are changed forever by rape, and who must find the strength to survive. Register for free for the film and discussion series HERE.
- Join social worker and professor Javelin Hardy for the four-part series Mind, Body, Spirit: Healing for the African American Community during COVID19 via Zoom Saturdays 10:00 -11:30 am June 6, 13, 20, and 27. More information about the series can be found here on Multnomah County Library’s website. You can register online for the Zoom series here.
- U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is preparing some domestic offices to reopen and resume non-emergency public services on or after June 4. For the latest information on the status of individual offices, check their office closures page.
- While certain offices are temporarily closed, USCIS continues to provide limited emergency in-person services. Please call or access the USCIS Contact Center online for assistance with emergency services. The number is 800-375-5283 (for people who are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech disability: TTY 800-767-1833).
- The City of Portland was one of 12 cities selected to receive customized research reports that will be used to support strategic efforts for immigrant-inclusive emergency response initiatives.
PGE and Pacific Power urge customers to be alert for utility scams!
Pacific Power
Pacific Power has temporarily suspended nonpayment disconnections and late fees and can work with customers who are struggling to pay their bill.
Portland General Electric
PGE has suspended non-payment disconnection and can work with customers who are struggling to pay their bill.
Portland Water Bureau
Portland’s Small Business Program for Utility Relief (SPUR) | The City of Portland. The Portland Water Bureau and the Bureau of Environmental Services have allocated one million dollars to provide financial support to Portland’s small businesses. The bureaus will provide one-time credits on qualifying businesses’ sewer/stormwater/water bills. Click here for full details. You can also sign up to get notifications about utility bill relief for small businesses.
We can also work with an interpreter to support anyone who wants more information. We will be answering calls and connecting customers to this service. You can have the person reach out to 503-823-6060 or email
PWB will not shut off sewer/water services during this time. PLEASE NOTE: The Water Bureau always offers crisis assistance in the form of a $500 voucher once every 12 months if you cannot pay your bill at any time. More information here.
Services for Residential Customers:
- Utility Safety Net Program and crisis assistance provides flexible, long-term interest-free payment arrangements for those with employment, medical, or other personal emergencies.
- Bill discounts and crisis assistance are available for income-qualified customers.
- Assistance for renters in multi-family properties in the amount of up to $500 is available through a partnership with Home Forward for renters at risk of eviction. Contact 211 for assistance.
- Water leak repair assistance funds repairs of water leaks for income-qualified homeowners.
Services for All Customers:
- Monthly statements offer the option of paying each month to avoid a quarterly bill that includes three months of sewer/stormwater/water charges.
- Clean River Rewards provide savings for those who manage stormwater on their property.
- Water Efficiency offers free water-saving devices and rebates for toilet and irrigation upgrades.
NW Natural Gas
NW Natural Gas will not disconnect customers who can’t make a payment due to impacts caused by the coronavirus. Customers will continue to receive bills and past-due notices. But NW Natural will not send a final shut-off notice and disconnect service. More info on bill payment assistance can be found here.
Clark County PUD
Rent relief is available from Oregon Housing and Community Services and has allocated $8.5 million to regional Community Action Agencies
PSU Student Legal Services has made available the recording and slides from their session Protections for Oregon Renters During the Coronavirus Crisis. You can access the recording, slides, and links and resources from that presentation (as well as links and resources from the other sessions) at
Multnomah County Residents
Multnomah County has stopped all evictions. Landlords will not be able to evict people who have fallen behind on rent payments. Those who are behind due to a loss of income related to COVID-19 will be given a six-month grace period to pay back their rent after the state of emergency is over. There will be no late fees. Those who can’t pay their rent or mortgage for reasons unrelated to the virus will not be at risk of eviction, but they will not have the six month period to make the payments. Notify your landlord in writing that you have lost/diminished income because of the pandemic. More information can be found here. The County has published an FAQ, please find it here.
Housing Resources
Have you lost at least 50% of your income due to COVID-19? If so, you might be eligible for Living Cully’s Renter Relief Fund. Households that are selected will each receive $550-$700, depending upon their circumstances. Learn more and APPLY TODAY: Application deadline is Wednesday June 3. To apply over the phone: Call (971) 303-8558 and leave a message with your name and phone number.
It’s not too late to donate to the Renter Relief Fund! More contributions will allow us to help more families. DONATE HERE
¿Ha perdido al menos el 50% de sus ingresos debido a COVID-19? Si es así, puede ser elegible para el Fondo de ayuda para inquilinos de Living Cully. Los hogares seleccionados recibirán cada uno $550- $700, dependiendo de sus circunstancias. Obtenga más información y LLENE UNA APLICACIÓN La fecha límite para aplicar es el miércoles 3 de junio. Para aplicar por teléfono: llame al (971) 303-8558 y deje un mensaje con su nombre y número de teléfono.
¡No es demasiado tarde para donar al Renter Relief Fund! Más contribuciones nos permitirán ayudar a más familias. DONAR AQUÍ
Tenant Rights: Watch this video from Oregon Law Center and Legal Aid about housing protections for tenants in OR during COVID-19.
NW Pilot Project: A great resource for help with your housing search! Complete the housing assessment, view housing and shelter lists and more here.
Home Forward Moratorium on Evictions - This outlines the current rent moratorium issued by Home Forward specifically and the steps to take to notify your landlord of rent payment concerns
Other Oregon Residents Governor Kate Brown's Moratorium on Evictions
Project Homeless Connect: NEW day center site on the corner of Washington and 6th – yellow house. It is open Monday-Thursday from 9 am-3 pm. Mail pick up, showers, laundry, hot lunch, snacks,clothing, Trimet passes, hygiene, help with ID and birth certificates and more! Please call (503) 726-0850 to be screened for an emergency shelter bed. View the attached flyer.
Homeowners with loans guaranteed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac who have lost income or their jobs because of COVID-19 should be eligible to have their mortgage payments reduced or suspended for up to 12 months. Contact the lender that you send the check to every month to work out a payment plan.
Small Businesses
- Multnomah County created a Business Resources page
- This is not a first-come first-served process. Each completed application received will be reviewed. Please be patient and try again later if you’re unable to access the online application. If you miss the Wednesday deadline, you will have the opportunity to add yourself to a wait list, should future funds become available.
- Business Oregon is offering loans to small businesses
Nonprofit Association of Oregon - Resources for faith based organizations and nonprofits
Prosper Portland has many resources for small businesses. In addition to the culturally specific listening sessions, Prosper Portland also has industry specific listening sessions.
Portland Bureau of Transportation launched Safe Streets|Healthy Businesses. The program provides a one-stop permit application process for businesses that would like to use space on city sidewalks or streets to operate while preserving physical distancing for customers and staff. The applications and permits are free. Interested organizations can learn about how to apply here and the full press release is here.
Clackamas County is offering COVID-19 Small Business Assistance grants; applications will be accepted June 29 - July 3. Applications will be available online at through Friday July 3 at 5pm. The program, provided in cooperation with Micro Enterprise Services of Oregon (MESO) will provide a total of $420,000 in grants, with individual grants starting at $2,500.
Financial Resources
The Oregon Worker Relief Fund provides financial support directly to Oregonians who have lost their jobs yet are ineligible for Unemployment Insurance and federal stimulus relief due to their immigration status, and now face hunger, homelessness, and economic hardship.
Virtual Financial Coaching: Available from Innovative Changes.Find out more here or start by watching the meet and greet webinar. There is no fee, but donations are accepted. They also have an emergency loan for individuals whose income has been affected by COVID-19. You can apply for that here.
The deadline to file federal taxes is now July 15, 2020. This also applies to Oregon State taxes. If you think you are owed a refund, you’re encouraged to file now.
Multnomah County: If you are interested in applying for a job with Multnomah County as a contact tracer, please send an email to The County is looking for applicants who can meet the needs of culturally specific communities.
Washington County: Various positions are available immediately, including contact tracers, contact tracing team supervisors, and resource coordinators. Initially these are remote positions, but priority will be given to candidates who live in Washington County, are bi-lingual or multi-lingual, and have experience with communities disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 and health inequities. Community health workers, promotores, and other traditional health workers are encouraged to apply. Job postings can be accessed now on the PHI website. Applicants are encouraged to apply as soon as possible.
Protected Leave Programs
There are new and expanded protected leave programs to support employees impacted by, or caring for a family member impacted by, COVID-19. If you have questions, please contact your department Human Resources (HR) team and they can help you navigate your options.
Multnomah County: Expanded catastrophic leave program and leave borrowing program
Layoff & Unemployment Information - State of Oregon website for more detailed information on questions about business closures, unemployment, and layoffs
Unemployment Insurance - Folks may be eligible for unemployment insurance
Portland Voz - Day labor worksite, developing a day laborer relief fund
Freelance Artist Resources - List of free resources, opportunities, etc for artists of all disciplines
Musicians and Live Music Professionals Resources - List of free resources for musicians
Employment Resources
PIVOT Job Corps: Still enrolling! Read about the tuition-free training for Medical Administrative Assistant and Office Administration here. They hold informational webinars every Wednesday at 2 pm. For more info or to sign up, contact Troy at(503) 695-3181 or by email at
Dress for Success: Fast Track Employment Program for Women is now offering their FREE four-part training series online! See the attached flyer with info or sign up online here.
Pandemic Unemployment Assistance
The Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) program is open and accepting applications. Self-employed, contract, and gig workers not eligible for regular unemployment benefits can submit claims.
Multnomah County updated the Community Resources page with a link for student loan borrowers about monthly loan payment relief available through the federal CARES Act.
Suspending your federal student loan payments for 60 days is not automatic. You must contact your loan service to request an “administrative forbearance".
This only applies to federal student loans held by a federal government agency.
Here is a list of student loan servicers for federal student loans that the U.S. Department of Education owns. If you’re not sure if your loans qualify or who is your student loan servicer is,you can call Federal Student Aid at 1-800-433-3243.
CornerStone: (800) 663-1662
ECSI: (866) 313-3793
FedLoan Servicing (PHEAA): (800) 699-2908
Granite State—GSMR: (888) 556-0022
Great Lakes Educational Loan Services, Inc.: (800) 236-4300
HESC/Edfinancial: (855) 337-6884
MOHELA: (888) 866-4352
Navient: (800) 722-1300
Nelnet: (888) 486-4722
OSLA Servicing: (866) 264-9762
Oregon Health Authority to distribute Remdisivir to hospitals statewide. An experimental drug that has been used to treat patients hospitalized with severe COVID-19.
Multnomah County has released a statement from Public Health Director Rachael Banks that addresses the concerns surrounding the release of zip code based COVID-19 data.
Symptom Checker
Coronavirus Symptom Checker is now available for regional use.
Multnomah County Clinics
Multnomah County Primary Care changes the way it serves to help slow the spread of COVID-19
Mental, Emotional, and Physical Health
Complete Guide to Mental Health Care - Peak Resilience
Take Care of Your Mental Health - AFSP - American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Mental Health Crisis Lines:
Multnomah County: (503) 988-4888
Clackamas County: (503) 655-8585
Washington County: (503) 291-9111
Clark County: (360) 696-9560/1-800-686-8137
Kaiser Permanente Members: (503) 331-6425
United Way Referral Line (503) 222-5555
National Suicide Prevention Hotline: (800) 273-8255/(800) 628-9454 (Spanish)
Oregon Youthline: (877) 968-8491 or text Teen2Teen to 839863 to instantly text with another person Trevor Project: (866) 488-7386 or text START to 678678
Mental Health Resources for Spanish speaking adults: The Latino Services at Central City Concern's Puentes Program is accepting referrals for mental health services to Spanish speaking adults (sorry, no youth), particularly for those in Multnomah County who are uninsured. These referrals can go to their case manager, Jesus Mendoza at
Coalition to End Social Isolation - Tips, Tricks, and Guides on how to stay connected when isolating
COVID-19 related resources from Oregon Community Health Workers Association (ORCHWA)
COVID-19 Symptoms, Testing, and Treatment
OHA has put together this fact sheet to help understand the COVID-19 testing process.
OHSU is offering drive-through testing at the Gordon Faber Recreation Center in Hillsboro and at the Expo Center in Portland for people with COVID-19 symptoms, including fever, cough, shortness of breath, chills, muscle pain, the new loss of taste or smell, vomiting or diarrhea and/or sore throat – no appointment or provider referral is necessary. Anyone over two months of age with clinical signs or symptoms of upper or lower respiratory tract illness can be referred for testing.
These criteria are expected to change in accordance with CDC guidelines and the availability of testing supplies.
OHSU mobile testing locations are:
Hillsboro Stadium – 4450 NE Century Blvd, Hillsboro, OR 97124
Hours: Monday - Saturday, noon to 6 p.m.
Portland Expo Center – 2060 N Marine Drive, Portland, OR 97217
Hours: Monday - Saturday, noon to 6 p.m.
Click on the link for more information
Oregon Health Plan
OHP is our state’s Medicaid program, offering free health care to anyone who qualifies. Nearly one in four Oregonians receives their healthcare through OHP. OHP has expanded access to physical and behavioral tele-health services for members. The Urban League offers enrollment info OHP by phone, or by appointment. Email or call (971) 517-5851
COVID-19 Support Program for Chronic Disease Patients and their Families
GHLF's FREE COVID-19 Support Program for Chronic Disease Patients and Their Families
Portland Fire & Rescue MEDS on Wheels Program
Immigrant eligibility for Public Programs during COVID-19
Alcoholics Anonymous: Virtual meeting directory can be found here.
DePaul Treatment Center: Operating on a modified schedule and services. DePaul accepts OHP through Coordinated Care Organizations
Recovery Speakers: Online library of pre-recorded speeches
Pause Awhile - call in meetings 425-436-6360; zoom participant code 422932#
Online AA Meetings During COVID-19 - Google Doc created by mutual aid support
At-Home Yoga: The Portland Mercury put out a list of Portland yoga studios offering at home classes, many of them free or reduced.
Diaper Resources
Families are in desperate need of resources to support their infants during the COVID- 19 outbreak. Keeping infants and toddlers healthy, clean, and dry is so important during this unprecedented public health crisis. You can learn more about diaper needs by going to Oregon Diaper Facts: National Diaper Bank Network. Follow the National Diaper Bank Network using @diapernetowrk for twitter and Instagram.
Oregon Diaper Resources:
- Clackamas Service Center
- Mother And Child Education Center
- PDX Diaper Bank
- Rose Haven
- Snowcap Community Charities
- Insights Teen Parent Program
- Neighborhood Impact
- Lane County Diaper Bank
Anti-Oppressive/Anti-Racist Homeschool Resource List - Resources and activities by grade, developed by families
Scholastic Learn At Home - 3 free hours per day for 20 days Mystery Science - K-5th Grade STEM activities
Amazing List of Educational Resources - family resourced list of many educational sites and activities
Virtual Field Trip Google Drive - sourced from several community members, a full google document of 30+ free virtual field trips
Education Companies Offering Free Subscriptions - Compiled list of several education companies that are offering free subscriptions during school closures
NASA's Full Media Library - NASA opened their entire library for free to explore
Cincinnati Zoo - 3pm EDT/12pm PST daily Facebook Live events with a featured animal and an activity for kids to join in at home
Mother Cloud - Blog with at home activities for children and families
Eureka Math Curriculum - Free PDF curriculum
150+ Enrichment Activities for Kids - By age/development level these include activities not just online
Cultural Arts & Entertainment
Pluto TV - Free television streaming
Kanopy Kid’s Only TV - Library card required
Metropolitan Opera - Nightly streaming of the opera
Open Culture - Online audio books, coloring pages, courses, e-books, and movies
Frida Kahlo Gallery - Google has opened their full interactive gallery
Go Noodle - Mindfulness Movements for Kids
Seattle Symphony - YouTube channel of free Seattle Symphony events
- Early Bird Books
- Book Bub
- Free Booksy
- Free E-Books
Story Time & Sing Along
- Jam with Jamie - Virtual music lessons and sing alongs
- Mo Willems Story Time - YouTube channel with storytimes for children
- Mac Barnett Story Time - Instagram live storytime
- Washington County School District Emergency Childcare - available to essential emergency responders for children enrolled in Washington County Schools K-5th
- Champions Child Care Sign Up - Offered through Gresham School District
- Childcare for Essential Workers: There are several different methods to find childcare if you are an essential worker and need it.You can call 2-1-1 or 1-866-698-6155, or text “children” or “ninos” to 898211, or email or go online here. View the attached info flyers in English and Spanish!
Domestic Violence Services
Domestic violence can get worse during isolation. You’re not alone. The Oregon Department of Human Services is still a resource for you and your children, as are local domestic violence prevention agencies and national hotlines. If you are a victim of domestic, sexual or gender-based violence, there is help available:
If you are experiencing an emergency call 911.
- National Domestic Violence 24-hour Hotline 800-656-HOPE (800-656-4673) - hotline is open and resources are available
- Domestic Violence Resource center 24- hour hotline 800-799-SAFE (800-799-7233) - in person/on site operations are closed but the hotline is still up and running
- The Network/La Red provides LGBTQ Domestic Violence Online Support and hotline (800-832-1901)
- Domestic violence service providers have a message for survivors: “We are still here for you”
Portland Police Bureau updated their enforcement of the stay-at-home order to include a section that addresses equitable enforcement of the order.
Sunshine Behavioral Health offers emerging solutions for domestic violence. This site provides support for teens and young adults.
Multnomah County Library is Issuing library cards online and seeing an increase in use of digital resources.
Face coverings required when using public transit starting Wednesday, May 20th. Click here for guidelines for Trimet users.
- Multnomah County Updates: Guidance for using public transportation
- Trimet’s Updates: TriMet Reduced Services TriMet is no longer taking cash fares on buses
Language Resources
COVID-19 information in the following languages:
Mixteco, Zapoteco, Maya, Nahuatl, Chatino, Purepecha, Otomi, Tlahuica, Mazahua, Matlatzinca, Ashi Añane, Huasteco, Mixe, O’dam, Triqui, Embera, Garifuna, Tseltal, Chontal, Tzotzil, y Hñähñu
Mutual Aid
Google Drive of Mutual Aid Support Guides developed by community organizers that is being continually updated with new zoom, hangout, and call in meetings
Internet Connectivity
Portland Public Schools
PPS is lending computers and tablets to its students. Fill out one PPS Student Computer Request Form for each student. The form includes the ability to request WiFi as well.
Through its Internet Essentials Program, Comcast is offering new customers 60 days of free internet and then $9.95/month for eligible homes. Also, Xfinity hotspots are now open to everyone.
Charter will offer free Spectrum broadband and Wi-Fi access for 60 days to households with K-12 and/or college students who do not already have a Spectrum broadband subscription and at any service level up to 100 Mbps. To enroll call 1-844-488-8395. Installation fees will be waived for new student households.
Keep Americans Connected Pledge
Click here to see the companies who have pledged to not terminate service because of customers’ inability to pay, waive any late fees, and open WiFI hotspots to anyone.
Coverage maps of hotspots:
Food and Formula
School District Food Supports (Many school districts are offering breakfast and lunch to anyone under 18 years old - no questions asked)
Washington County Lunch Information
Portland Public Schools Lunch Information - Interactive Map
Reynolds School District Lunch Information
Centennial School District Lunch Information
Oregon Food Bank - Operating with modified services
Laughing Planet Kids Eat Free - providing meals to children
Oregon City Pita Pit Kids Eat Free - providing meals to children
The Portland Police Sunshine Division increased capacity to home deliver free emergency food.
- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) - the application to obtain SNAP (also known as food stamps)
- SNAP for College Students - information
Food Hero
With the current change to our lives, you may be struggling to find healthy recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks instead of relying upon a diet heavy on processed foods. Oregon State University’s Food Hero provides recipes that are healthy and made for all ages so they don’t require a high level of cooking skill.
Food Hero Initiative: It's searchable database has plenty of quick, tasty, and low-cost recipes. You can search by a particular ingredient or sort by category.
Partner's for a Hunger-free Oregon website with translations of Pandemic-EBT benefits. There are Fact Sheets in seven languages, infographics, sample letters and text messages.
PDX COVID-19 Mutual Aid Network: The food boxes are supported by Oregon Food Bank and delivered by the PDX Mutual Aid Network. The box usually has 30-40 lbs of food including fruits and/or vegetables and canned or dry food. *Please note deliveries are only within the Portland Metro area.