Financial Empowerment Collaborative

 The new pilot program, called the Financial Empowerment Collaborative (FEC), will foster financial empowerment in Portland’s Black community and provide solid pathways for participants on their path to financial and housing stability and wealth creation. 


Five Portland-area credit unions and the Northwest Credit Union Foundation have partnered with the Urban League of Portland to advance the financial well-being of Black Oregonians. The partnership grew out of Urban League’s discussions with Portland-area credit unions eager to find opportunities to create tangible positive community impact in the wake of racial justice uprising that awakened the city in 2020.  The credit union partners are Advantis Credit Union, Consolidated Community Credit Union, Point West Credit Union, Rivermark Community Credit Union, and Unitus Community Credit Union

 The FEC’s approach will focus on addressing Black Oregonians’ unique needs, so they can gain access to supportive products, services, education, and financial tools. The program will include customized financial education and coaching, case management, and an environment where participants can easily access essential credit union products and services.