COVID-19 Eviction Moratorium Information

This information is current as of its publication on Jan 31, 2021, for Oregon residents. Eviction moratorium protections for Multnomah County renters are changing on February 1, 2021.

Starting February 1, 2021, Multnomah County renters who sign and return a “Declaration of Financial Hardship for Eviction Protection” form to their landlord stating that they are unable to afford their rent will be protected by Oregon’s statewide eviction moratorium (HB 4401). The statewide eviction moratorium makes it unlawful for landlords to evict people who are unable to pay their rent and for landlords to evict renters without cause.

Renters must sign and return the form in order to be protected by the moratorium. Renters do not have to provide proof of their inability to pay.
Landlords are required to issue a notice to renters about the moratorium that includes a declaration form for renters to return to landlords. However, renters are encouraged to submit the declaration form as soon as possible, even before receiving a notice from their landlord. The form only needs to be submitted to a landlord once. Renters are also strongly encouraged to keep a record of when the form was sent and to keep a copy of the signed form for their own records.

Renters may submit their signed form to their landlord in person, by mail, or by sending a copy or photograph of the form by email or text message.
Once the renter has submitted the form, they cannot be evicted for non-payment of rent, evicted without cause, or charged any late fees until June 30, 2021. Renters will have until July 1, 2021, to pay back the money they owe. 

If the Oregon State Legislature does not take further action to extend the moratorium or the grace period beyond June 30, 2021, the Multnomah County Board of Commissioners will consider additional action to protect renters beyond that date, including by extending the repayment grace period.
Please note: if a renter receives a notice from their landlord but does not submit a declaration, they will need to pay back any rent owed from April 2020 through December 2020 by March 31, 2021.

Renters who need legal advice can find support from community resources such as the Community Alliance of Tenants or Legal Aid Services of Oregon. More information about the moratorium and answers to frequently asked questions can be found here.

Download this information as a one-page PDF here.