The Urban League of Portland, a Community-Based, Not-for-Profit Organization, is soliciting bids from a proposer or proposers qualified to provide IT and Website Maintenance Services.
The Urban League of Portland is seeking bids from qualified proposers to provide us with IT consulting services and Website Maintenance services. Qualified proposals will demonstrate their ability to help the League ensure the efficient operation of its data processing networks, website, and related computer systems in its defined user community of roughly 85 employee users. A well qualified bidder will submit proposals to illustrate how their firm would support the League to build information systems in place that provide timely, accurate and relevant information, and to empower users to make efficient use of technology. Bidders may propose on one of both of the attached scopes and can direct any questions to our team at
See the full RFP
Please read the full requests here and follow the instructions to submit your response(s).
See the full Website Maintenance RFP