We are working to keep you informed on what we are doing to advance the state of Black Oregon
Request for Proposal - Property Development Consulting
Request for Proposal - Communications Consultant
The Urban League of Portland, a Community-Based, Not-for-Profit Organization, is soliciting bids from a proposer qualified to provide Communications Consulting.
Request for Proposal - Workforce Consultant
The Urban League of Portland, a Community-Based, Not-for-Profit Organization, is soliciting bids from a proposer qualified to provide Workforce Consulting.
2024 Career Connections Job Fair
Employer booths and jobseekers' registration are open for this hiring event.
Urban League for All of Us Community Conversation - 2023 Community Champions
The Urban League of Portland is one of Oregon’s oldest civil rights and social service organizations, empowering African Americans and others to achieve equality in education, employment, health, economic security, and qualit
Equal Opportunity Dinner Celebration
The Urban League of Portland is excited to announce that this year's Equal Opportunity Dinner Celebration is LIVE and IN PERSON. On Thursday, September 28th, meet us at the Oregon Convention Center to celebrate another year of empowering communities and changing lives.
Urban League of Portland 2023 Legislative Priorities - End of Session Recap
We are excited to announce we wrapped up the 2023 Oregon Legislative Session and what a session it was! Although we faced several challenges, we were successful on several of our top priorities.
Urban League for All of Us Community Conversation - 2022 Community Champions
Urban League of Portland is one of Oregon’s oldest civil rights and social service organizations, empowering African Americans and others to achieve equality in education, employment, health, economic security, and quality o
ULPDX Statement Against the City of PDX's Camping Restrictions
We want to restate our stance on this issue that we have held since late last year, the banning and criminalization of homelessness will only prolong the City of Portland's homelessness problem not solve it.