Advocacy and Civic Engagement

We push Oregon to be a more just and equitable place to live, work, and thrive. We are advocates and organizers. We are passing the torch to the next generation.

The Advocacy and Civic Engagement (ACE) department works to achieve policy and community change that advances equality, social and economic justice, and civil rights for African Americans and others in Oregon. Our commitment and responsibility are to have a broader view of all the issues that impact our communities, identify their root causes, and develop solutions informed by the community, which leads to systemic and sustainable change. ACE works to advance the League’s mission of economic empowerment and civil rights through building partnerships and coalitions, advocacy, outreach, civic engagement programs, community organizing, policy research and analysis, issue campaigns, and publications that elevate the issues of the community. Through our advocacy and civic engagement programs, we equip Black Oregonians with the tools to influence public policy and legislation. Our advocacy and civic engagement programs are proof that through skillful organizing, Black Oregonians influence public policy and legislation, and promote racial equity.

Advocacy and Civic Engagement Programming:

  • Urban League for All of Us Community Conversations:
    • Oregon & Southwest Washington -City/County specific related to important issues for each community
  • Oregon Legislative Session:
    • Legislative Days of Action
    • Bill tracking & lobbying
    • Legislator meetings
    • Coalition building
    • White papers
    • Testimony training and action activities
      • Please visit Congress Plus to find out what legislation the Urban League of Portland is working on and to find your elected officials based on your address:
  • Social Justice and Civic Leadership:
    • Testimony training and resources for civic engagement
    • Public forums on important issues in our communities
  • Government 101s:
    • Oregon City/County specific
    • Oregon City/County policy and budget tracking
  • Elections:
    • Candidate Forums
    • Canvassing
    • Voter registration and resources
    • Election Information
      • Please visit Congress Plus to check your voter registration and the elections in your area:

Please reach out to ACE@ULPDX.ORG if you have any questions or comments.

2024 Meet the Candidate Forums - Candidate Participation Form
We are excited about the 2024 Oregon Elections and plan to host virtual Meet the Candidate Forums. The Urban League of Portland works to protect the right to vote for all Americans regardless of their racial, gender, ethnic, or socioeconomic background. Our goal is to increase voter engagement and knowledge for the May elections and Election Day, November 5, 2024. It is very important for Oregon voters to be informed and these events give voters an opportunity to hear from the candidates listed on their ballots.  During these Meet the Candidate Forums, we will ask candidates questions that are related to issues that are impacting our community. Our topic priorities for these questions will focus on criminal justice reform, economic justice, education, environmental justice, food insecurity, government reform, health, housing/homelessness, language justice, voting reform, and workforce development. 

The Urban League of Portland is a C3 organization and only endorses ballot measures. We do not endorse candidates. If you would like to participate in the Urban League of Portland's Meet the Candidate Forums, please complete the form here.

Main Flyer

2024 Virtual Meet the Candidate Forums Community Question Form

We are excited about the 2024 Oregon Elections and plan to host virtual Meet the Candidate Forums. The Urban League of Portland works to protect the right to vote for all Americans regardless of their racial, gender, ethnic, or socioeconomic background. Our goal is to increase voter engagement and knowledge for the May elections and Election Day, November 5, 2024. It is very important for Oregon voters to be informed and these events give voters an opportunity to hear from the candidates listed on their ballots. Candidates need to hear from you; what issues are most important to you and what you care about. 

Please submit questions you may have here, that way we can ask the candidates questions that come directly from our community. 

main flyer

The Urban League of Portland works to achieve policy and community change that advances equality, social and economic justice, and civil rights for African Americans and others in Oregon. Our commitment and responsibility are to have a broader view of all the issues that impact our communities, identify their root causes, and develop solutions informed by the community, which leads to systemic and sustainable change. 

We are excited about the 2024 Oregon Elections and look forward to growing our partnership efforts. We will endorse local and statewide ballot measures for the Primary and General Elections that align with our top priorities and mission: to empower African Americans and others to achieve equality in education, employment, health, economic security, and quality of life. Our priorities focus on criminal justice reform, economic justice, education, environmental justice, food insecurity, government reform, health, housing/homelessness, voting reform, and workforce development.  

The Urban League of Portland is a C3 organization and only endorses ballot measures. We do not endorse candidates. If you would like the Urban League of Portland to endorse your ballot measure for the Primary and/or General Elections, please complete the form here

Main Flyer