We are working to keep you informed on what we are doing to advance the state of Black Oregon
Working to Sustain and Support Black Businesses
August 1st marked the start of the 14th annual National Black Business Month.
Oregon Cares Fund for Black relief and resiliency
Last month, the Oregon Legislature’s Emergency Board has approved a funding request from the Urban League and our dedicated community partners at PAALF, REAP, SEI and many other community partners for $62 million for The Oregon Cares Fund for Blac
Empower Awards August 2020
Announcing Our Monthly Empower Award Winner for August 2020 Kashea Kilson-Anderson
Art, Discussion and Remembrance: greenHAUS
Two blocks south of the Urban League Senior Center resides an art gallery filled to the brim with paintings, sculptures and artistic crafts and goods that immediately draws the attention of visitors the moment they enter into the space.
Dine and Donate to ULPDX!
Eat, laugh, enjoy the sunshine, and support local establishments that are donating to ULPDX! The Urban League of Portland is pleased to announce that several restaurants, businesses, and organizations across the city of Portland have decided to donate a portion of their sales to ULPDX!
COVID-19 Community Resources
At the Urban League we hope to provide resources to our community who are having to make adjustments in their daily lives due to the COVID-19 pandemic.